Port Angeles Photography, Small Business Spotlight, Core Collective Pilates studio
I am so excited to be adding the first of a series of blogs about local small businesses. The Olympic Peninsula has some really amazing businesses, owned by some really talented people. This month I'm featuring Jonna and Core Collective, a small yet power packed pilates studio. I have been wanting to do this idea of business spotlights for a long time now and a few months ago I saw an image of Jonna's studio on Instagram and fell in love with it. It is such a beautiful space, but when I met up with Jonna to interview her, I found out it was way more than that. The thing that impressed me most was Jonna herself. (If you read this, sorry, you're probably going to be embarrassed about me singing your praises) She is so kind and so down to earth and it also became quickly apparent that she knows her stuff. As I watched her guide a class through a set of exercises I was impressed that she didn't just tell people what to do and then leave them to it. She gave feedback to help her clients nail their form. You'll see an image below with her hand on one of her clients backs. She was telling them to push into her fingers right there. She helped them make little micro adjustments to ensure that they were getting it right. I found myself really fascinated with the concept of pilates and genuinely wanting to learn more. Without further ado, I'll move onto some of the images we captured in her studio and share a Q&A with Jonna. One more thing, you can follow Jonna on Instagram @core.collective.nw or contact her through her website: http://www.corecollectivenw.com/
Meet Jonna!
Q: What is the goal of Pilates? How is it different from other forms of exercise?
A: Pilates movements are designed to strengthen and stretch the entire body, using alignment, core control and intentional breath. The goal in each session is move every joint and muscle in the body through every plane. I like to think of Pilates as the tool to building or maintaining your foundation. Most of the movements are done slow and/or controlled with the idea that you are building a strong base so you can go out into the world and enjoy everyday activities. My philosophy is move slow to move fast.
Q: How long have you been doing Pilates? What has it enabled you to do?
A: I've been practicing Pilates since 2009 and teaching since 2010. My Pilates training was originally focused in the sphere of physical therapy. The program I trained in had a strong focus on anatomy, physiology, and improving faulty movement patterns. I choose to do this program because of my own history with back pain and muscles imbalances, a common story among movement practitioners. I had back surgery in 2003, with the promise of being able to return to all my old activities (skiing, running, biking, etc.), however I did not regain the core strength I needed to enjoy these activities without pain and I was on my way to a second surgery. A physician I was seeing recommended I do physical therapy at clinic that included Pilates in their treatment plans, one last attempt before going back under the knife. And it worked, the pain was better everyday, I felt like Pilates empowered me to take control over my own healing through moving and building strength in a controlled and informed environment.
Let me just point out here that in case you didn't notice, this chick is tough as nails. Okay, carry on.
Q: Do you already have to be in shape to start Pilates?
A: No way, Pilates is for everybody, at any time of their life. No matter where you start it has the potential to improve alignment, balance, stretch, and strengthen. One of my favorite quotes from Joseph Pilates is: "Change happens through movement and movement heals." This change can start at anytime, no matter the starting place.
Q: How would you describe the vibe of your studio/classes?
A: The aim of the studio is to have an open and welcoming vibe, my hope is that the space encourages everyone to feel welcome, comfortable and empowered moving in their own skin. I think Pilates sometimes has the reputation for being just for women, or dancers, but that is the farthest thing from the truth. Pilates is for everyone. I have seen Pilates benefit teenagers, professional athletes, the weekend warrior, construction workers, pre & post-natal moms, my grandma and everyone in between.
Q: What have you seen Pilates do for your clients?
A: I worked with a client suffering from nerve damage in her foot that had resulted from a back surgery. The doctor told her she would never run again or hike up a mountain because her muscles would not fire like they were supposed to. Before her surgery she had been a Division 1 lacrosse player, was on the olympic development team, and made it a habit to summit as many peaks in a summer as her schedule would allow. She began coming to Pilates on a regular basis, and after a few sessions she was beginning to feel her dormant muscles fire!! It was super exciting. After gaining more confidence in her new strength, she started to run again. The first time it was so hard, but each time she was able to go a little longer and farther. She kept coming to Pilates and kept making improvements every session. Outside of our sessions she had more and more confidence to push herself and get back to doing the things she loved. The first time she went for a hike uphill she made it to the top, she said Pilates had given her the confidence to push herself outside of her comfort zone. When I moved away she gave me a quote in a frame, it said: " Sometimes, all we really need is for someone to say "I believe in you."" It is one of my most cherished things I have in my studio. When I am having a rough day or feeling challenged with the business side of the studio, I look at the quote and I think of how her life is better because Pilates gave her the tools to get back to the things she loved. That is my ultimate goal for the studio, I want to help people help themselves by giving them the tools they need to feel better in their own bodies.
One last word about Jonna and my experience in her studio. To be really honest, I felt a little self conscious even going into her studio. I'm for sure not in the shape I'd like to be right now and to go and meet with someone that fitness is their jam was more than a little bit intimidating for me. However, that totally melted when I met Jonna. She is so approachable and genuine and set me instantly at ease. If you are looking for a nudge to get stronger and healthier, seriously consider this as an option!
On another note, if any of my readers happen to be small business owners in Sequim, Port Angeles, or the surrounding areas and you'd like to be featured contact me by clicking HERE. You'll be featured here on the blog and receive use rights for the images for marketing purposes like social media or your website. Here are a few more images that we got for Jonna.